Saturday, July 18, 2009

Foreheads are Overrated -- And A Challenge to Bloggers!

So, here's the latest -- along with pictures this time, finally!

After a great deal of research I don't pretend to understand, the petri dishes grew whatever they needed to, and we have a name for the bug that attacked my head and face -- enterobacter aerogenes. Go ahead and click the link or Google for yourself -- it's not pretty. Highly destructive, high mortality rate, all the nasties you don't want to read about. Fortunately, it's only really dangerous if you have "a prior history of surgeries in the area, cancer, or an immune system compromised by chemotherapy or radiation treatments." NICE! I'm batting a thousand on that one...but I'm doing well. The infectious disease docs at the National Naval Medical Center were outstanding, and isolated the bug in time to treat it appropriately. Once they found the bug causing my infection, they prescribed the right antibiotic and installed a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) line. That was quite an impressive process -- a 43cm catheter that goes from my armpit to my heart -- but in the end it was far less traumatic or painful than I had expected.
With the right antibiotics in hand and the PICC Line inserted, I was discharged from the hospital last night and sent home. This morning a home healthcare nurse from CORAM Home Healthcare infusion services arrived, and provided
me and Pooh with all the equipment and instructions on how to administer the antibiotics -- 30 minutes once a day -- not bad at all. It helps that Pooh's mother, who is a 30-year OR nurse, is staying here with us -- and our next-door neighbor is a transplant and PICC nurse. We're covered! The CORAM nurse walked us through the process this morning, and we're on our own tomorrow!

I'm not in any pain and I feel fairly good, but I sure don't look pretty. Here's the latest shot, taken just before I left the hospital:
There is still some swelling from both the surgery and the infection, but once that swelling goes down, there will be quite a canyon between the top of my head and my brow. I'll probably look like something between a cro-magnon man and a klingon, but that's okay...I was never much to look at anyway, and I've already got a wonderful wife who loves me to matter what I look like! At least, that's what she tells me...


Okay, here's where the fun begins -- because my brain is basically exposed and unprotected (only covered by a thin layer of skin), I have to wear a helmet whenever I'm out and about or doing anything active (including running). So, I'm going helmet shopping tomorrow. Here's your chance to "get involved" -- send stickers! I'll get a plain black biking, climbing, or skating helmet, and decorate it with all the stickers I receive from fellow bloggers against cancer and everyone else. Feel free to get creative as you like -- a state sticker from where you are, a sticker from your last race, a photo, your favorite slogan, whatever -- just please use good taste (no profanity), and I'll find a way to fit all the stickers on my helmet and show off the great support I've always received from blogland. If you don't have my home address, please send an e-mail to and I'll send it to you. I'll even upload periodic pictures of the infamous cranium cap! Thanks to Peggy for the great idea...and start sending!

Next blog will have a few race reports and more photos. Signing off with a farewell from the to all!


Adrienne said...

Oh Oh Oh! I have THE PERFECT sticker...will be sending it off soon :) Is it bad that you in a helmet makes me giggle? Just a little, I promise!

Just so you know, you are seriously my inspiration. I don't have many I can say that about, but you're up there right next to my grandma. It's a compliment. Promise! comment: MONKEY IS STINKIN' ADORABLE. Not that you didn't already know, but breathtaking is what comes to mind with that picture.

Love to you all...

Mama in Training said...

Mike, We LOVE your positive attitude that God has blessed you with. You're doing great and I'm just thrilled for you that you get to keep doing what you love...running (Don't tell Ang I said that.). ;)

I would like to bring you a meal, too!!! Blessings, buddy. M&M

Ace said...

Wow! Thanks for the pics and the updates!

I will sick my kids on finding some sweet stickers to spice things up!

jkhenson said...

Some stickers from the midwest are on their way from me! :) Keep up the positive attitude (I know you will! :)) And your little monkey is so sweet! :) Hugs!

Carrie said...

Oh my goodness! Glad you/they caught the little buggers before they created any more damage. You're one tough guy. Rest and heal. Lots of love to you and your family.